Property News

Fast and secure windows and door delivery - why choose a Polish supplier?

With energy prices reaching record levels in 2022 and maintaining high throughout 2023, more and more homeowners decide to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Installation of new better insulated windows is considered as one of the most effective ways of lowering energy bills. However, high-quality joinery prices on local markets make the upscaling process even less affordable than before.  Fortunately, prices of the best windows made in Poland remain reasonable, and you can still count on fast and secure delivery with no or minimum formalities.

Polish window manufacturers,

It’s not a secret that Polish window manufacturers are one of the most significant players in the market, not only the European ones. They export joinery to almost every corner of the world. Polish windows and doors are sold to Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and the Scandinavian Countries as well as destinations located far beyond the borders of the UE. They can be found in North Africa, North America, and Middle Eastern countries. How is it possible?

Although Polish window manufacturers don’t create market trends, they can easily adapt their production to the requirements as well as current demand in other countries. Their products never fail to meet changing expectations of homeowners and architects worldwide, and that makes doors and windows made in Poland worth your attention.

Importing windows from Poland: Where to find a reliable supplier?

Are you looking for uPVC or aluminium windows? Poland is most likely the best place to find both these window types. But buying joinery from Polish manufacturers is one thing, and organising its secure and relatively fast transport is another. Where to find a reliable supplier of doors and windows made in Poland?

The quickest and at the same time most convenient way is to order the joinery online. Many homeowners are still afraid of buying windows with delivery online, so they decide on local window companies - and that costs them quite a lot of money. Suppliers with local representations usually charge more for their services, whereas suppliers operating online can offer you the same quality of products and even higher quality of customer services at a better price.

While searching for suppliers online, depend on recommendations of their regular and former clients. You don’t have to search for a local Company. Those found on Facebook or Google are far more reliable and trustworthy. Fenbro is one of online operating companies with 5-star reviews on FB and Google. Although the sales process is handled remotely, you can expect:

●a wide selection of high quality products all in one place,

●a complete B2B and B2C package,

●support of one dedicated consultant from the beginning to the end of the sales process,

●a full guarantee on all purchased windows and doors (even when installed by a third party),

●short lead time (from 4 weeks),

●insured and timely delivery,

professional installation services provided in Ireland

Fenbro: Your supplier of doors and windows made in Poland 

What may come as a surprise to you, importing windows from Poland may be as easy as ordering them at your local distributor. It all depends on the supplier you choose. At Fenbro we have created a better approach of:

● importing windows from Poland to Ireland,

● importing windows from Poland to the UK.

In both cases, we provide our clients with fast and secure deliveries as well as minimum formalities. It’s important for customers from the UK. Brexit created new boundaries for customers from the UK, however, we can still manage to keep low prices and maintain a high standard of service. We managed to keep the prices at low levels while offering you a complex service. You don’t have to worry about:

● formalities, 

● customs agencies,

● tax refunds 

While you receive door-to-door delivery and high quality goods, we take care of all the rest. Are you interested in purchasing windows from Poland to Ireland or the UK? Get a free quote here

Source: 17/10/2023

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